Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

So far it's been a busy holiday season technology wise. I've been working working on various projects while I've been off from work and still have several projects that I still want to do. Hopefully I'll be able to get everything done, however even if I don't that's ok.

I wanted to post a quick blog before the new year. Here's to 2008. It was a year filled with mixed emotions. Some events were wonderful milestones in my family and other events were very sad with the passing of familly members. Here's also to 2009. May God continue to bless us as He so richly has this past year. The fact that we have our health, jobs, a roof over heads, family, and other blessings - we are so blessed to have what we do and I'm very thankful to our Heavenly Father for those blessings.

Hope everyone has a safe and sound new year.


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