Thursday, December 18, 2008

Critical Windows Update


While it is amazing and unbelievable that I would actually be able to have time to blog twice in one week, the truth is I really don't. However I did want to take a moment and mention an important Windows update that came out yesterday.

As many of you might have seen in the popular press a huge security issue was found in all versions of Windows Internet Explorer that allowed hackers access to control your machine. Because of this issue Windows issued a fix yesterday (12/17/08) afternoon. This fix is downloadable and automatically installs on your computer if you run Windows Updates. If, however, you want to manually install the patch follow this link ( and download the patch under the "Component" section that corresponds with the version of Internet Explorer and the operating system that you have on your computer. Once you have downloaded the patch, install the patch, and reboot your computer. Your computer should be updated and protected from this particular security threat.

The question arises, though, of how do I make sure that I have it installed on my computer? That is an excellent question, especially since hopefully you have Windows Updates run automatically (by the way if you do you still need to run Windows Updates manually so that you get the patch installed ASAP). To verify that you have the patch installed, open My Computer and go to C:\Windows. If you have a file that has the name "KB960714-IE7.log" then the patch has been installed on your computer and you are protected.

A second question arises of what if I don't use Internet Explorer as my web browser (aka the program that you use to get on the Internet)? I would still recommend that you run Windows updates since it's always wise to make sure that your computer is protected.

This probably will be my last blog before Christmas. I hope all of my readers (all two of you) have a wonderful Christmas. May you get everything that you hope for, but may you also take the opportunity to appreciate and give back some of the many blessing that you have. May God bless you and keep you. May His countenance shine upon you and give you peace.


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